Internet Explorer

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1. Keep the chat appropriate and civil

2. Do not advertise other servers

3. Your username, nickname, and skin must be SFW (Safe for Work)

4. No giant redstone contraptions that can lag our server

5. Harassing staff members, owners, or members is not allowed

6. Any threat or attempt to DOX/DDoS/SWAT another player or server will result in a permanent ban

7. Modifications that control your player or automate actions are prohibited

8. Impersonating staff members, owners, or other members is strictly prohibited

9. Do not hack or cheat to gain an advantage that would not normally be available in regular gameplay.

10. Teleport trapping is prohibited.

11. Do not encourage other players to break rules.

12. Excessive Caps Lock in the chat is not allowed.

13. Any form of hate speech is prohibited.

14. Do not use any derogatory terms (or slurs) on the server.

15. Do not use any fancy or glitchy characters in chat.

If you see any players breaking ANY of the rules, please report them.